How will we live, work, shop and rest in the future? New technologies lead to innovations at break-neck speed. How can we use them so that human needs are met and global problems solved? We were searching for answers to these ambitious question at the FrameLAB 2019 conference, organised by Frame magazine.

The highly interesting programme includes presentations and workshops conducted by designers and architects (e.g. by Tina Norden, co-creator of Conran and Partners studio, Humberto Campana, Sevil Peach and many others) as well as manufacturers, innovators and visionary brands.

Lectures and debates were focused on 4 topic blocks, connected by the notion of technology integrated with spatial design:

Intuitive Tech: if spatial design has an immense influence on how we perceive reality, and when coupled with technology it has a power to create new worlds – what challenges wait for interior designers?


Full Circle
: the economy with a closed circuit is a huge challenge for designers. Human actions which cause excessive waste and pollution call for a radical rethink. Will we be able to create and consume… with a clear conscience?

The Co-Economy: can the economy based on cooperation have an influence on our thinking about interior design? 

Club Me: many brands and designers focus on providing highest quality of service. Personalisation may meet the precise preferences but at the same time… is a threat to privacy. How can designers solve this dilemma?


Photos: Robert Pełka