M.mag / people / Lectures by experts at Warsaw Home Expo – don’t miss them!
share on Facebook20.09.2018
M.mag / people / Lectures by experts at Warsaw Home Expo – don’t miss them!
share on FacebookMarro is present at Warsaw Home Expo not only through our stand. We also invite you to short interviews conducted on the main stage. Our guests will share their insights and experience from the design industry as well as an original vision of its growth. It is with pride and joy that we inform you that our invitation has been accepted by: Giulio Cappellini, creative director of the brand Cappellini, Jonas Pettersson, co-founder and main strategist at the interdisciplinary project studio Form Us With Love, as well as Ilkka Kaikuvuo, co-founder and Head of R&D at the Finnish company Framery.
Giulio Cappellini will discuss the links between design and business. As a seasoned scout who helped the now-famous famous designers such as Tom Dixon, Bouroullec brothers and Marcel Wanders make a name for themselves, he will also talk about intuition for good design. Thursday, October 4, 14:20, main stage in Hall F.
Jonas Pettersson will share the 5 rules guiding the team at his studio Form Us With Love. He will also discuss his ideas on how we can all participate in creating a sustainable future. Friday, October 5, 11:00, main stage in Hall F.
Ilkka Kaikuvuo will present a couple of non-obvious conclusions from global research, ones which will have a considereble effect on ways in which workspaces are designed. Friday, October 5, 15:00, main stage in Hall F.
PRACTICAL INFORMATION: An in-depth programme and additional information – on the organiser’s website. Entry after registering. If you’re interested in hearing the lectures please get in touch – we have a small number of tickets to give away. The fair lasts from October 4 till October 7 (10:00-18:00) in Warsaw Ptak Expo (Nadarzyn, Al. Katowicka 62).