Summer is a good time for meetings in Powiśle. Recent weeks were packed with not only industry events (we wrote about breakfast for architects here) but also cultural and artistic ones.

With great pleasure we have returned to the role of host for artistic events. Together with our guests representing the worlds of architecture, business and art we had the special opportunity to listen to a play by Ivan Vyrypaev, read by Karolina Gruszka, Magdalena Górska and Wojciech Urbański. Steinway Lyngdorf was a partner of the event.

“It’s not possible to change your life by means of moving from point A to point B” – says one of the heroines. Although “The only tallest trees on earth” is a drama written before the war, today unfortunately it seems to be even more up to date.

It’s not the only form in which art is present in our showrooms. We are hosting an exhibition “Him and Her”, which includes photographies by prof. Mariusz Gajewski and paintings by Katarzyna Derkacz-Gajewska.

We invite you to Powiśle!