It’s been a year since the opening of Marro Browarna – our third place in Powiśle where design and business meet culture and art. It’s a good moment to recall the most important events.

During the opening of the new location Robert Pełka, Marro CEO and Browarna initiator, declared – We want Browarna to function as a place for meetings, discussions and inspiration. We believe that meetings of restless, creative minds (experts, artists, people of culture) and discussions at the interface of various fields (art, design, culture, science, technologies) will provide us with unique experiences. This assumption was proved right on many occasions.

For example during a birthday of WEDA Creative House attended by distinguished personalities representing Polish culture and art. A legend of global ballet, Mikhail Baryshnikov, was the guest of honour.

Or during a theatre experiment: a reading rehearsal of the play “Wasps”, written and directed by Ivan  Vyrypaev (starring Magdalena Boczarska, Dariusz Chojnacki and Marcin Dorociński).

Artists seldom leave theatre premises but the atmosphere and emotions created by this evening convinced us to repeat it with Vyrypaev’s newest play “Entertainment”. The author stars as one of the characters and is accompanied by Karolina Gruszka. The play is directed by Victor Ryzakov.

Our guests were also the first to witness the play “Monday” outside the theatre – a debut text by director and playwright Michał Rogalski which tells the story of a difficult meeting between mother (played by wonderful Jadwiga Jankowska-Cieślak) and son (Mateusz Banasiuk).

Apart from meetings with artists, presentations and discussions we organise (also with partners, such as Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce and Polish Institute of Work Environment) workshops for architects aimed at supporting professionals in their everyday work.

We hope that the energy of Powiśle will work for the benefit of unique events and creative meetings in the future. We wish this to all our wonderful Artists, Creators, Partners and ourselves!