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Diversity in an organisation culture

Let's take a look around: does the space where we work contribute to diversity?

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Casa study: Nowa Stacja Pruszków

Creating a vivid image of a shopping centre is aided - apart from location and unique tenants - by a skilful use of common areas. It is here where facility administrators, just like stores, can design experiences which will ensure that visitors won't confuse the object with any other.

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6 offices where it’s worth looking under your feet

Sometimes they play the starring role, other times they remain a master of the second plan. Consistent in their design and playing with light. Discreet or very vivid. A few years ago Swedish flooring manufacturer Bolon set an ambitious goal - to restore office floorings' influence on the vibe of the entire interior.

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Different generations, different needs

Today's work place is a meeting spot of 3, sometimes 4 generations. Each of them has completely different needs. Is it possible to design space with everyone in mind, also the oldest users?

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Project: diversity

Diversity: key word, ever-present in many industry reports and trendbooks. How to use it for space design? How can architects and contractors create environments where people have the right to be themselves?

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Colours and patterns: new collection BOLON x Missoni Home

Bolon, Swedish manufacturer of vinyl floorings, has released a new, third collection designed in cooperation with Missoni Home. Floorings are woven in jacquard technique. Vivid patterns (including the most famous Missoni pattern: zig-zag) and dynamic colours will be a good fit in various contract interiors: hotels, offices or shopping centres.

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Actiu divisorias

The role of contractor in the investment process

Are there projects without challenges, bold decisions, difficult conversations? No. That's why it's key that there is a mutual understanding within the investor, architect and contractor triangle. What kind of cooperation culture is needed by the partners so that the results are as good as possible?

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