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From detail to module: furniture supporting diversity

The culture of an organisation consists of many elements. One of them is the physical aspect - the space in which a company functions. In this context it is worth thinking about office furniture as elements of stage design which every day contributes to interactions between people.

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Diversity in an organisation culture

Let's take a look around: does the space where we work contribute to diversity?

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Different generations, different needs

Today's work place is a meeting spot of 3, sometimes 4 generations. Each of them has completely different needs. Is it possible to design space with everyone in mind, also the oldest users?

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Project: diversity

Diversity: key word, ever-present in many industry reports and trendbooks. How to use it for space design? How can architects and contractors create environments where people have the right to be themselves?

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Stimulation and silence – the theatre of office life

Innovation - it's a value which today is highly sought after. Some companies strive to attain it out of their own will and curiosity, others see it as a tool necessary for fight with competitors. Irrespectively of the motivation, there is always the question about the method. Also, the question whether arrangement of space can have a tangible influence on the team's creativity and its ability to come up with original solutions.

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Where two talk, the third one… is angry

How does cutting-edge research influence the way workspaces are designed? On Friday, October 5 (15:00 on the main stage in Hall F) Ilkka Kaikuvuo, co-founder and Head of R&D at Framery, manufacturer of world-renown acoustic booths, will share his insights.

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How to take care of your back at work?

Haworth designers and engineers have created the Fern chair in cooperation with Human Performance Institute WMU. Fern can be adjusted to your most individual needs.

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