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From detail to module: furniture supporting diversity
The culture of an organisation consists of many elements. One of them is the physical aspect - the space in which a company functions. In this context it is worth thinking about office furniture as elements of stage design which every day contributes to interactions between people.
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NOOM: cohesion and comfort
Repeatability, monotony, homogeneity - these phrases are hardly considered to be complliments. Other principles are at work in office design. But irrespectively of trends, every architect pays attention to the project's cohesion. Actiu's new collection may be helpful to this end.
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Diversity in an organisation culture
Let's take a look around: does the space where we work contribute to diversity?
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Casa study: Nowa Stacja Pruszków
Creating a vivid image of a shopping centre is aided - apart from location and unique tenants - by a skilful use of common areas. It is here where facility administrators, just like stores, can design experiences which will ensure that visitors won't confuse the object with any other.
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6 offices where it’s worth looking under your feet
Sometimes they play the starring role, other times they remain a master of the second plan. Consistent in their design and playing with light. Discreet or very vivid. A few years ago Swedish flooring manufacturer Bolon set an ambitious goal - to restore office floorings' influence on the vibe of the entire interior.
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Different generations, different needs
Today's work place is a meeting spot of 3, sometimes 4 generations. Each of them has completely different needs. Is it possible to design space with everyone in mind, also the oldest users?
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